How Outdoor Workers Can Protect Themselves from The Sun


When it comes to outdoor work, the sun can be both a friend and a foe. On one hand, it provides the light and warmth necessary for getting the job done, but on the other hand, it poses serious risks to the health and well-being of outdoor workers.

FixFirm is dedicated to supporting tradespeople and that's why we've put together this comprehensive guide filled with new, unique, and innovative tips and strategies to help outdoor workers stay safe under the sun.

Sun-Smart Clothing: Beyond the Basics

We all know that wearing long sleeves and a hat can provide some level of sun protection, but FixFirm suggests taking it a step further. Look for clothing with built-in UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) to provide enhanced sun-blocking capabilities. Consider lightweight, moisture-wicking fabrics that offer cooling and UV protection, helping to regulate body temperature while shielding against harmful rays.

Tech-Infused Gear: Wearable Sun Monitors

In the age of smart technology, why not harness it to protect yourself from the sun? Wearable devices with UV sensors can monitor your sun exposure and send alerts when it's time to reapply sunscreen, seek shade, or don protective gear. FixFirm recommends exploring these innovative devices to make sun safety a seamless part of your work routine.

Shade On-the-Go: Personal Portable Shelters

Trade professionals rarely have the luxury of working in shaded areas, which is where portable shelters come into play. FixFirm suggests investing in pop-up canopies or portable tents that can be easily transported to job sites. These provide not only protection from the sun but also a cooler work environment, making a world of difference during scorching summer days.

Cooling Accessories: The Power of Evaporative Gear

Staying cool is paramount when working under the sun. FixFirm recommends trying out evaporative cooling accessories, such as vests, towels, and neck wraps. These items work by utilising water to cool the body through evaporation, providing much-needed relief during hot and sunny days.

Sun-Blocking Apps: Digital Sun Protection

Your smartphone can be a powerful tool for sun safety too. There are several apps available that provide real-time UV index updates, personalised sun protection advice, and reminders to reapply sunscreen. FixFirm suggests downloading one of these apps to stay informed and make informed decisions about your sun exposure.

Hydration Innovation: Smart Water Bottles

Proper hydration is essential when working outdoors, especially under the sun. FixFirm suggests using smart water bottles that remind you to drink water at regular intervals. Some bottles even monitor your water intake and adjust reminders based on the temperature and humidity, ensuring you stay hydrated and alert throughout the day.

Sun-Savvy Scheduling: Time Your Tasks

Timing is everything when it comes to sun safety. FixFirm recommends scheduling high-intensity tasks during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon. This strategic planning can help minimise sun exposure and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Collaborative Sun Safety: Toolbox Talks

If you work with a team, sun safety can be a group effort. Consider incorporating sun safety into your toolbox talks and safety meetings. Encourage open discussions about innovative sun protection strategies and allow team members to share their own tips and experiences.

Education and Training: Empowering Outdoor Workers

Ultimately, knowledge is power. FixFirm encourages outdoor workers to undergo sun safety training that covers not only the basics but also the latest innovative practices. Equip yourself with the know-how to protect your skin and health while on the job.


In conclusion, FixFirm is dedicated to providing not only the tools and equipment you need but also the knowledge and resources to keep you safe while working outdoors. By incorporating these new, unique, and innovative tips and strategies into your daily routine, you can minimise sun-related risks and enjoy a healthier and more productive work experience.

Stay sun smart and keep shining on!


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